Androlyzer analyzes on which confidential information your apps on your devices are accessed and informs you about potential undesired information flows.
During the installation of an app certain permissions are to be granted in order to allow operational reliability. These permissions are usually divided into functional groups and presented to the user without further details whether data access take place as it happens or not.
For example, a gaming app requests access to device state information as well as access for internet. The user may be informed, that access to the device state is required in order to pause a game during an incoming call. Internet access is required for the synchronization of the high score. Based on this example, the app could read the IMEI of the device or other specific data and transmit it to any other third parties. Among this example, there are many other ways on how personal data could be transmitted to a destination an app developer intends.
Androlyzer uncovers such undesired data flows after analyzing apps installed on your device.
• Detection of malware, spyware, trojans and undesired data leaks.
• Scan your apps directly on your device or use our server to scan apps for you
• Synchronize your apps with our free data report server.
• Detect undesired data leaks due to app updates.
• See which apps are able to access your personal data.
• Automatic uninstallation proposal on detection of dangerous apps.
• Free, AntiSpy, Scanner, Privacy, Heuristic, Static Dataflow Analysis, Detection, Malware, Leak
Androlyzer is a novel tool which allows users to gain useful insights into the internal workings of Android applications. Current security architecture of the Android OS is technically solid, but coarse-grained and nontransparent to the average user. Hence, numerous applications abuse the situation by covertly violating user's privacy and compromising device security. We approach this problem by providing static analysis of app binaries as a client as well as a web service. We maintain a large database of security and privacy related reports on Android applications, which can be accessed through a web browser. Additionally, we provide full-fledged analysis as a client app.
This app is a research prototype by Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Technische Universität Berlin and has been partly funded by BMBF. It will provide useful information, but it does not claim to be a complete security solution. We recommend using a traditional signature-based antivirus along Androlyzer.
Androlyzer menganalisis di mana informasi rahasia aplikasi di perangkat Anda diakses dan memberitahu Anda tentang arus informasi potensi yang tidak diinginkan.
Selama instalasi aplikasi izin tertentu yang akan diberikan untuk memungkinkan kehandalan operasional. Izin ini biasanya dibagi menjadi kelompok-kelompok fungsional dan disajikan kepada pengguna tanpa rincian lebih lanjut apakah akses data berlangsung seperti yang terjadi atau tidak.
Misalnya, aplikasi game meminta akses ke informasi negara perangkat serta akses untuk internet. Pengguna dapat dihubungi, bahwa akses ke negara perangkat yang diperlukan dalam rangka untuk menghentikan permainan saat panggilan masuk. Akses internet diperlukan untuk sinkronisasi skor tinggi. Berdasarkan contoh ini, aplikasi bisa membaca IMEI dari perangkat atau data tertentu lainnya dan mengirimkan ke pihak ketiga lainnya. Di antara contoh ini, ada banyak cara lain tentang bagaimana data pribadi dapat ditransmisikan ke tujuan pengembang aplikasi bermaksud.
Androlyzer menyingkap aliran data yang tidak diinginkan seperti setelah menganalisis aplikasi diinstal pada perangkat Anda.
• Deteksi malware, spyware, trojan dan kebocoran data yang tidak diinginkan.
• Pindai aplikasi langsung pada perangkat Anda atau menggunakan server kami untuk memindai aplikasi untuk Anda
• Sinkronisasi aplikasi Anda dengan data laporan server gratis kami.
• Mendeteksi kebocoran data yang tidak diinginkan karena pembaruan aplikasi.
• Lihat aplikasi mana yang dapat mengakses data pribadi Anda.
★ DELETE yang tidak diinginkan APPS
• Otomatis instalasi usulan deteksi aplikasi berbahaya.
• Gratis, AntiSpy, Scanner, Privasi, heuristik, Static Analysis Dataflow, Deteksi, Malware, Leak
Androlyzer adalah alat baru yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang berguna kerja internal aplikasi Android. arsitektur keamanan saat ini OS Android secara teknis padat, tapi kasar dan tidak transparan untuk rata-rata pengguna. Oleh karena itu, banyak aplikasi memanfaatkan situasi dengan diam-diam melanggar privasi pengguna dan mengorbankan keamanan perangkat. Kami mendekati masalah ini dengan menyediakan analisis statis dari binari aplikasi sebagai klien serta layanan web. Kami menjaga database besar laporan keamanan dan privasi yang terkait pada aplikasi Android, yang dapat diakses melalui web browser. Selain itu, kami menyediakan analisis penuh sebagai aplikasi client.
Aplikasi ini adalah prototipe riset Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory dari Technische Universität Berlin dan telah didanai sebagian oleh BMBF. Ini akan memberikan informasi yang berguna, tetapi tidak mengklaim untuk menjadi solusi keamanan lengkap. Kami merekomendasikan menggunakan antivirus berbasis signature tradisional bersama Androlyzer.
Androlyzer analyzes on which confidential information your apps on your devices are accessed and informs you about potential undesired information flows.
During the installation of an app certain permissions are to be granted in order to allow operational reliability. These permissions are usually divided into functional groups and presented to the user without further details whether data access take place as it happens or not.
For example, a gaming app requests access to device state information as well as access for internet. The user may be informed, that access to the device state is required in order to pause a game during an incoming call. Internet access is required for the synchronization of the high score. Based on this example, the app could read the IMEI of the device or other specific data and transmit it to any other third parties. Among this example, there are many other ways on how personal data could be transmitted to a destination an app developer intends.
Androlyzer uncovers such undesired data flows after analyzing apps installed on your device.
• Detection of malware, spyware, trojans and undesired data leaks.
• Scan your apps directly on your device or use our server to scan apps for you
• Synchronize your apps with our free data report server.
• Detect undesired data leaks due to app updates.
• See which apps are able to access your personal data.
• Automatic uninstallation proposal on detection of dangerous apps.
• Free, AntiSpy, Scanner, Privacy, Heuristic, Static Dataflow Analysis, Detection, Malware, Leak
Androlyzer is a novel tool which allows users to gain useful insights into the internal workings of Android applications. Current security architecture of the Android OS is technically solid, but coarse-grained and nontransparent to the average user. Hence, numerous applications abuse the situation by covertly violating user's privacy and compromising device security. We approach this problem by providing static analysis of app binaries as a client as well as a web service. We maintain a large database of security and privacy related reports on Android applications, which can be accessed through a web browser. Additionally, we provide full-fledged analysis as a client app.
This app is a research prototype by Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Technische Universität Berlin and has been partly funded by BMBF. It will provide useful information, but it does not claim to be a complete security solution. We recommend using a traditional signature-based antivirus along Androlyzer.